Sunday, March 31, 2013

What Defines Us

I always write the title at the end
The title defines the writing
And you can’t define something
That doesn’t exist.

I always make sure people spell my name right
A name can define a person
And you can’t define a person
Whose name doesn’t exist.

I always make sure people know where I’m from
People define their place
And you can’t define a place
Where people have never been.

I always make sure I know where I stand
Our emotions define us
And one cannot define oneself
If one does not know they exist.

I always make sure people know that I care
The way we treat others is how we’re defined
And if we are careful
This might turn out right.

I always write the title at the end.

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1 comment:

  1. Lovely poem. Ironic how the title isn't 'I always write the title at the end' though... haha;) I love the form and structure. A great read xx
