Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Visit From Fairy Puck

Author's Note: Inspired by "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (A.K.A. "The Night Before Christmas"), I Present: "A Visit from Fairy Puck" based on "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by Shakespeare.
Enjoy :)

‘Twas a midsummer’s night
And all that is dreamt
Is kept safe and sound
In a magical vent

A vent that is written
In only one book
One play
One fay
That we may

And that fay
As we have it
Can be quite a pest
But one graceful Puck
Can be quite the jest

Mixing up trouble
Wherever he goes
The lovers
Their story, as everyone knows

Hermia, Helena, Lysander too
Are met in the wood
And awaiting their cue

But when lovers lie down
The actors arrive
Making mess of their parts
And sound quite a jive

Pyramus, Thisbe
Too lovers apart
Find way through a wall
But alas must depart

Through lion’s blood
On a scarf drenched in mud
Take their lives in their hands
For spiteful demands

One down
Two down
And is all gone
But Peter the Quince ensures nothing went wrong

And us shadows
Forever we sing
And we wish you no harm
For all you have dreamt
Guarded with alarm

So alas my dear Puck
Give me your hands
If we shall be friends
And I shall restore amends.

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  1. Nice poem, checkout my blog at
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